Each year in the fall and spring area homeschool families get together in a school-like setting. Moms teach classrooms full of kids grouped by similar age levels. Every Thursday for 10 weeks in the fall and spring, Debbie and Sarah teach classes for high schoolers and Josh, Natalie, Alex, Keirstyn, and Ellana take classes all day. There are 80+ families involved, with over 200 kids nursery age through high school. It is an awesome experience for everyone involved.
Here is our breakdown of classes for interested persons. Debbie teaches Literary Analysis, Physical Science, and Western Civilization. Sarah helps with Physical Science and teaches Geometry of Wholemovement, a high school Geometry enrichment class. Ellana is taking Biology, Western Civ, British Lit, and Geometry. Keirstyn and Alex take Astronomy together in the morning. Keirstyn then take gym, cooking, and American Girl, a study of New Orleans in the late 1800s. Alex is taking American Heros, gym, and Presidents and Government. Natalie is in Pre-Kindergarten and Josh is in Preschool where they do typical preschool activities, music class, and gym time. It is a full, busy day for everyone but everyone leaves happy with many things to share.
The first few weeks there were scary for Alex but by week 3 he worked
through his fears and had a great time, too. The weather has been great,
too, so we have been enjoying picnic lunches in the sunshine.
Josh in gym |
Keirstyn in cooking class |
Natalie in music |
The coop crew |
Picnic lunch |
playing with scooters |
Sarah's Geometry class work |
More geometry creations |
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